Tuesday 22 October 2013

"Plumber's block", and does the 'net make citing sources unneccesary?

I just heard a witty thing: What is it about writers and their whining and moaning? Do plumbers get "plumber's block"?!

I heard it on a BBC Radio 4 show, The Museum of Curiosity (series 6, episode 4), and whoever it was who mentioned it did also mention the originator of the witticism, but I didn't catch it. I could theoretically rewind half a minute and try to jot it down. But I am far too lazy, and if I felt I HAD to do that this post would never have been written.

But it did get me thinking: will the web, and the tools we use to navigate it, at some point become complete enough, and smart enough, that including such attributions will become totally unneccessary. Maybe it already is?

And what was the name of that woman interviewed on The Life Scientific (Radio 4 again) who talked about the nascent evolution of a "Semantic web" (I think it was), internet as a net or web of linked data (or even meaning) as opposed to linked documents...

Best cure for blogger's block seems to be to adopt the attitude of "I could check that, but I can't be arsed".