Tuesday 15 April 2008

Feminist premise elegantly illustrated

Take a look at this essay, from which I'll borrow this lovely sentence:

"I like incidents of that sort, when forces that are usually so sneaky and hard to point out slither out of the grass and are as obvious as, say, an anaconda that's eaten a cow or an elephant turd on the carpet."

Monday 14 April 2008

Thinking about re-activating this space

... and maybe turn it into a sort of archive/repository of texts I've originally written in other forums.

Most of those concern depression, bipolarity, medicines to treat the aforementioned, or Asperger's syndrome, autism, "broader autistic phenotype", and a jumble of mixed observations on ACness. Also a quite a few autobiographical snippets.

I started thinking about this when I stumbled upon the website PatientsLikeMe.com and decided to try to use the mood tracking tools they have there (their somatic communities (ALS, MS etc) seem to be really useful, their mood community is very much beta still).
Another stimulus for perhaps putting some of my AC/bipolar writings on the web was that I, quite by chance, stumbled upon the Swedish blog Spiro Spero. While the Aspie author of that blog is about my age (perhaps a year older or so), and has very different experiences from me, there is so much in her writing that I recognise. Mostly from an earlier, younger, me but some fundamental things just don't change.

With PLM I of course experienced the usual very active "new forum" phase and spewed out lots of long and thoughtful posts. And even got into a few private discussions about ACness.

And then there is all my posts to various mailing-lists. There are probably a few of those (most are from 10+ years ago) that would be interesting to revisit.

Reworking posts and parts of conversations into blog article format will probably be something of a challenge. Especially since I'm a heavy quoter, and of course I can't use other people's text (especially not since some of the mailing-lists are confidential). So posts like that will either have to be extensively re-worked or the quoted parts paraphrased in a way that maintains the original message and tone.

Ack - thinking about all of this makes it seem like far too much work! And the possible options for how to do this seem almost endless.

How about posting the original, unedited (except for quotes), and then posting an edited version as comparison? Not edited to be up to date, but edited to be more readable in a blog format. That sounds like an idea, and creating separate labels for these different types of posts should make it easy to keep track of what's what.

If I go that route will try as much as I can to NOT correct discrepancies between texts dealing with the same subject matter, except for clear typos. That will be hard, because sometimes when I look at texts written earlier I can clearly see that I've misremembered dates, fudged some facts to make my main point clearer, slightly exaggerated some parts etc.

Enough for now. I think I'll start with trying to dig up my first posts to INLV and ANI-L. There's also a post about how different the 'net looks today from a bipolar or AC POV compared to the early and mid nineties waiting to be written.